Sunday, August 18, 2013

Quantum Coherence Coaching: Passionately living your heart's desire, consciously creating it!

Quantum Coherence Coaching: Passionately living your heart's desire
Quantum Coherence coaching combines physical health (nutrition, exercise), emotional health (clearing trauma, laying down new cellular patterns) and spiritual health (daily practice, as you see it, to connect with your higher source) in order to bring you into "quantum coherence". In this state of coherence, you are much more easily able to create the life that you want to have. 
\You have to have a strong body, well mineralized and nourished, to be a coherent channel. To have this clarity, it is also necessary to clear emotional traumas from the past and to lay down new cellular memories in place of the trauma. Finally, it is important that you are conscious about your thoughts. Thoughts also carry vibration. For example, the thought "I am grateful" creates more coherence and efficiency within you to create the life that you want when compared to "I am so angry with him" or "I got cheated in life". Training the mind with new thought patterns through daily practice is essential. Everything is geared toward creating coherence, which can be thought of as an efficient flow of electricity without any obstacles. 
When you are in this state, you create the life of your heart's desire effortlessly. It is the secret behind "The Secret" in that it gives you more grounded tools to clear the obstacles to the manifestation ability promised by the philosophy of The Secret and the Law of Attraction. 

This coaching requires your commitment to change. Do you feel ready to truly change? Are you willing to face fears and past woundedness in order to let them go forever? 

If so, this coaching experience is for you.

What to expect: We create specific goals for you, so that you can measure your progress clearly through the time we work together. You should expect to feel more joyful, healthier and happier as our work progresses. Over a few months, you will find that your life is changing in unexpected ways you could have only imagine. That is, if you are willing to do the work. If so, the sky is the limit. We came here for the joy of the contrast, the excitement of achieving and uplifting the lives of others. We came to be prosperous and to embody our soul's potential. We never came for the struggle! Align, uplift, live with joy. 

Initial 2 Hour Meeting. In person, by phone or on Skype. This intake looks at physical health, emotional health, spiritual health. It also takes into account astrology and other tools as we begin to directly explore your soul's purpose. What did you come here to do? Are you on track with that? Do you need a redirect? If you are on track in understanding your soul's purpose, how can we support the physical manifestation of your heart's desire. 

Weekly Check-In (A must to maintain momentum):
Week 1 - 15 minute session
Week 2 - 50 minute session
Week 3 - 15 minute session
Week 4 - 50 minute session
and unlimited e-mails. Each session ends with "homework". Whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual angle, there are exercises to implement. Here are some examples. Cellular clearing of emotional trauma, writing a personal manifesto for your life, forgiveness scripts, daily mantras and visualizations, establishing personal values vs. tribal values, clearing your ancestral line (often of chaos vibration or other things that have travel through the line), angelic clearing, physical exercise regime, dietary supplement regime and more. 

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